Anatara Medicine Pricing

Consultation fees are based on the time spent by the practitioner consulting with you, reviewing your records or labs and making recommendations.

New Patient Consultations

New patient consultations can be with a single doctor or, for complex illnesses, we recommend a combo consultation with two doctors.
To see Dr. Herskowitz, you must purchase a combo consultation.


New Patient Combo Consultation

90-min consultation with either Dr. Lee or Dr. Wallace AND 60-min with Dr. Herskowitz

New Patient Consultation

90-min consultation and follow-up lab review with either Dr. Lee or Dr. Wallace

Physical Exam

With Dr. Lee or Dr. Wallace- Required for new patients at their initial visit (and established patients at min every 6 mos).

Pre-Consultation Record Review

Prior to your first consultation, the practitioner(s) typically will review your medical records and lab results.
$200 per practitioner

It is important to note that Anatara Medicine is a concierge membership clinic, requiring a $200 entry fee, due at the first initial visit.

More Services


Injection Consultation

30-minute Consultation and

30 Min. Follow-Up Consultation

Appointment with either Dr. Lee or Dr. Wallace – for established patients

60 Min. Follow-Up Consultation

Appointment with either Dr. Lee or Dr. Wallace – for established patients

Nutritional Consultation

90-min consultation with Marisol Kim
tailored & comprehensive recommendation report

Lab Preparation

For unique circumstances, if office approves, new patients may have the option to complete lab work at a laboratory near you and/or using take-home test kits, prior to coming into the office. We will prepare the lab test requisition for you.

$300 Lab Test Requisition Fee


Mobile Phlebotomy

We are usually also able to set up a mobile phlebotomy service for special circumstances. The mobile phlebotomy service will come to you at your home or office and includes a separate fee billed by that company.

New location: $400 + Phlebotomist Fee
Repeat location: $200 + Phlebotomist Fee

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance, medicare, etc?

We, unfortunately, do not take insurance. Our proprietary treatments, therapies, and diagnostics are exclusive, offered by only a few practitioners in the US. As such, insurance companies do not cover these yet.

Do you offer telehealth services?

Yes, we offer Telehealth services to many locations.

Can you refer me to someone in my state?
Possibly. However, it is recommended you make every effort to come to Anatara Medicine. We have a unique approach and deep experience treating advanced health issues. If this is just impossible, we may be able to recommend a small number of select clinics in the US that might offer similar services.
Do I have to come to your office in San Franscisco?

Making a trip to our lovely city of San Francisco does not need to happen right away. Based on your initial consultation, what testing has come in, our doctors will tailor recommendations for you, and we will do our best to work around your schedule.

How do I find your office, and is there parking available?

Building Instructions to Suite 520:

When facing the front of the building at 1700 California St. be sure to enter the Lobby to the RIGHT of the parking garage entrance (this is the commercial side of the building).

Once inside of the commercial side of the building, continue straight through the main lobby, then turn left at the end of the hallway to enter the elevator corridor.

Take the last set of elevators up to the 5th floor (not the first parking garage elevator).

Once you exit the elevator on the 5th floor, our suite is located to the immediate left outside of the elevator corridor, Suite 520.

Parking Access:

Garage parking is available at our building for an hourly fee, which is located under the main building at the entrance on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Off-Site Parking:

Additional garage parking is available for an hourly fee at two off-site parking garages, located within @1.5 blocks from our office building: 1725 Sacramento Street or 1774 Sacramento Street.

What to expect on your first visit.

We begin with an in-person or Telemedicine consultation with one or two of our doctors. The doctor(s) will typically recommend conventional and state-of-the-art, leading-edge tests based on the consultation. Some of these tests will likely require a blood draw. Once the test results are back, we will schedule an appointment for the doctor to review your results with you in detail.

The doctor may recommend you begin specific therapies during your initial visit before your labs have come back in certain circumstances. The doctor will discuss any such recommendations with you in detail.

Where will I receive my treatments?

Because Anatara is a leading and cutting-edge treatment center, most therapies will be received at our center in San Francisco, however, where possible, we will work with partnered centers across the country to accommodate your schedule.

How long does treatment take?

Therapies are tailored for you by the doctor and Anatara team based on many variables. We offer individual targeted therapies and some treatment packages, and we will be happy to review those in detail with you once they are recommended. Many of our treatment plans include IV (intravenous) therapies, a very efficient way of administering medications and nutrients into your bloodstream to get to the tissues and cells. Some IVs only take ~ 1.5 hours, while others can take 3.0-4.0 hours, based on the tailored treatments the doctor has recommended

What is your appointment cancellation policy?
Due to demand for office visits, please get in touch with us 48-hours before your scheduled appointment to cancel your appointment. Otherwise, you will be charged for your office visit.
Is the Echolight only offered to Anatara membership patients?

Yes. Anatara understands that addressing the whole-body vs just focusing on one system is not optimal, as all body systems are interconnected. Our comprehensive approach to wellness takes a deep dive into your health that goes beyond a singular system, such as bone health.

Note: Consultations are charged based on time needed by the practitioner to prepare for, review records as well as update any treatment plan or recommendations, typically there is an ~ 15 min administration time added to each consultation. Our consultation rates are subject to change.