Our Approach

Balance is achieved using a myriad of modalities including nutrition and nutraceuticals, peptides, acupuncture, physical medicine, lifestyle modifications, pharmaceuticals and IV therapies when indicated. At Anatara Medicine, we use all of the above therapies, tailored towards an individual’s specific needs and desires.

The Convergence Medicine Principle

This term was coined by Dr. Herskowitz in 2011 to represent a novel strategy, which combines many forms of medical and energy practices into one cohesive strategy to optimize, repair, and rejuvenate in each individual. Taking the best from Molecular and Functional Medicine, Nutrition and Metabolism, Physical Medicine and Energy Medicine, we layer in the best of ancient forms of medicine that speak to a person’s innate constitution (we call it Archetypal Medicine), which helps us predict how a patient will respond to different types of treatment.

Infographic Concierge Convergence Medicine

Our Culture

Our commitment is to leverage the combined wisdom of ancient and modern medicine, to fully use the priceless information provided by symptoms, to get to the core of what each patient requires for well being. Nothing less will do.

Our Vision

We want to live in a world where all people have access to highly personalized, preventive healthcare strategies, so their health supports their highest potential.

Our Mission

Protecting the health and wellbeing of everyone we love is a basic human right. We seek to move prevention and repair into mainstream healthcare by making highly individualized health-promoting strategies and treatments available to the public. By using proprietary predictive biomarkers and models, targeted treatments, and ongoing educational programs, we will focus on the most scientifically validated drivers of health and disease and create a personalized strategy for each individual.

Our Promise To You

We promise you and your family a deeply personalized risk assessment and individualized health plan for optimizing vitality and preventing disease. We use sensitive therapies for any illness you may be suffering from — no matter how intractable it may appear.

We will rigorously test our assumptions and measure the results/outcomes. We will continue to inquire, innovate, and evolve, growing our base of senior advisors, research, and institutional partners for you.

We promise to track our results with the best of scientific measurement to illuminate your progress, test the efficacy of our method, and deepen our insight. We not only invite critical feedback from you but the scientific communities as well.

More specifically,

  • We will use the best that modern clinical and molecular medicine has to offer and will continually search for new treatments, tools, and models.
  • We will listen and partner with you to keep you informed regarding options, tasks, and progress.
  • Because our services are nearly 100% out of pocket, we will inform you in advance with anticipated costs of your treatment plan, and do our best to work with you where we are able.
Anatara Medical Team

Contact Us


Mon: 10am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Tues-Thurs: 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Friday: closed

1700 California Street, Suite 520
San Francisco, CA 94109

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