Get Your Life Back!

Over 40% of men suffer from erectile dysfunction at the age of forty. That number can grow to a whopping 50% by age fifty and further increases 10% with every additional ten years.

Male Sexual Wellness

Sex pills increase blood flow to the penis, but use the existing damaged or clogged blood vessels which only provide a temporary fix. Some even find diminishing effects over time. Worse yet, in some cases, sex pills mask the underlying conditions and worsen erectile function completely.

Apart from the more common side effects like back & muscle pain, nausea, rashes and headaches, sex pills can also have dangerous side effects most don’t know about:

  • Heart Attack
  • Irregular Heartbeats
  • Priapism
  • Stroke

The male benefits of optimization are:

  • enhancement of arousal and orgasm
  • increased confidence
  • improved mood
  • alleviates depression
  • improved sleep
  • cardiac – heart protective
  • revitalization of penile function

Treatment Options

Since our approach is to look at overall health and causes of symptoms or conditions, we take a multi-layered approach to Sexual Wellness. We provide expertise in several different treatment options, utilizing the convergence of Eastern and Modern medicine. Our preferred treatment options are as follows:

The Power Shot

The Power shot is an erectile and penile rejuvenation treatment using PRP. The results are harder erections, improved sensitivity and circulation, and less erectile recovery time. PRP is richly dense in growth factors, which stimulate sensitivity, the formation of local blood vessels and nerves, enhancing performance by naturally increasing nitric oxide. The PRP enhances blood flow and proliferation of vessels within the erectile tissue enhancing sensitivity, size, and enabling adequate firmness for sexual activity.

With PRP, you are using your own blood to help REVERSE erectile dysfunction. We use PRP to activate your own growth factors for healing and rejuvenation. Certified and highly trained medical professionals take your blood samples, separate out your platelet rich plasma, and inject into areas to stimulate growth.

Here’s why you should consider this treatment.

PRP contains growth factors. These growth factors act as messengers in your blood, telling parts of your body, like muscle, skin, and even blood vessels to grow. By injecting a concentrated amount of your own platelets, you trigger growth and increase blood circulation to reverse Erectile Dysfunction by repairing of the tissue. You’re using your own biological elements to re-engineer the negative effects of aging and stimulate the stagnant components of your blood vessels.

Added benefits are also an increase in size, stamina, and libido. This treatment is also being used as a solution for those suffering from Peyronie’s Disease.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are plant derived hormones that are prepared by a compounding pharmacy to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body. They produce the same physiological responses as those of endogenous (made in body) hormones. Most conventional hormones prescribed are synthetic for men, are synthetic hormones commonly used for hormone replacement therapy. These synthetic formulations are different than bioidentical hormones. Since pharmaceutical manufacturers cannot patent a bioidentical structure, they have invented synthetic hormones that are patentable or which are provided in a unique delivery system such as an injectable.

The appeal of bioidentical hormones is that they are identical to endogenous human hormones, so our bodies can metabolize them normally, minimizing side effects. Synthetic hormones are more likely to produce adverse side effects such as weight gain, water retention, mood changes, acne, sweating, and fatigue. In addition, prescription synthetic hormones have little variation in dosage, whereas the compounded bioidentical hormones can be more accurately matched to meet every person’s needs.

Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for You?

With exposure to environmental, dietary and chemical toxins, which accelerate the normal decline in natural hormone production as we age, almost all of us over the age of 40 (and often younger) begin to experience signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance. To deal with this growing health concern, one needs comprehensive lab testing and in depth personalized questionnaires to create a personalized treatment plan.

Many factors can contribute to imbalance of hormones:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Adrenal dysfunction and fatigue
  • Thyroid disease
  • Metabolic dysfunction
  • Inflammatory conditions

As a result of hormone imbalance related to these conditions, you may be experiencing one or a combination of what have become known as symptoms of “normal” aging. Yet, hormone levels seen when we were younger are more ideal than the lower ranges seen in aging populations. Do you want your hormone status optimized to the time when you felt great, had the drive and motivation to succeed in all aspects of life, and had energy to burn!? Of course you do, we all do. At Anatara Medicine, you will meet with our Team of outstanding practitioners who will assess your symptoms and provide a tailored treatment plan for you.

Signs and symptoms of hormone imbalances:

  • Weight gain
  • Limited energy
  • Hair loss
  • Low sex drive
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Sleeplessness
  • Poor concentration
  • Memory loss
  • Fatigue

If symptoms like these have begun to affect your quality of life, you could be a candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Consult the Experts at Anatara Medicine in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

When you become a patient, you receive the dedicated attention of wonderful practitioners. Your questions about your condition, treatment plan, or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy are reviewed and thoroughly addressed during one-on-one consultations with your practitioner. Your practitioner will partner with you throughout every step of your journey to help you achieve optimal health and reach your wellness goals.

Hormone loss and imbalance is easily correctible, for both men and women!

To learn more contact Anatara Medicine today at (888) 453-6825.


Erectile Dysfunction Identification & Treatment

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is more than a sexual organ issue. Erectile performance is multifaceted and involves psychological, neurologic, endocrine and vascular system functions. Effective treatment of erectile dysfunction or erectile hypofunction requires laboratory analysis of a patient’s full-body and hormonal health.

Among the non-sexual risk factors that can influence erectile performance:

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Alcoholism
  • Depression
  • Testosterone deficiency
  • Chronic conditions like diabetes
  • Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia
  • Neurologic disease, hypertension, chronic inflammation
  • Thyroid disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Anti-hypertensive and psychotropic medications
  • Pelvic radiation, trauma or surgery

Among these factors, age has a high correlation to risk of ED. The Massachusetts Male Aging Study reported a prevalence of 52%. The study demonstrated that ED is increasingly prevalent with age: approximately 40% of men are affected at age 40 and nearly 70% of men are affected at age 70. The prevalence of complete ED increased from 5% at age 40 to 15% at age 70.2 Age was the variable most strongly associated with ED.

How Erectile Dysfunction Works

In a sense, the penis is like a vascular sponge, with muscles along its walls. If the vessels become damaged or occluded, the penis may not fill properly. The neurologic function of erectile tissue operates through the parasympathetic system as it stimulates the smooth muscles; the sacral nerves emanating from the base of the lower back. If the nerves get damaged by contusion, excess pulling or diabetes, then the signals of stimulation or sensation to light touch may become impaired, which would further impair the patient’s ability to become erect.

The endocrine involvement in sexual arousal starts at the hypothalamus. Neuronal signals descend through a complex neural network involving the parasympathetic network down to the parasympathetic nerves of the sacrum and sacral area of the pelvis. There, nitric oxide (NO) is believed to be released, which causes an increase in cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which causes smooth muscle relaxation, enhancement of arterial flow and veno-occlusion, which enables adequate firmness for sexual activity.

Many men use oral ED drugs (e.g., phodphodiestterase-5). However, these drugs serve only as a vasodilator – a chemical messenger to open up the blood vessels while relaxing the muscles to fill the penis. This PDE5 inhibitor action enhances nitric oxide release and thus imitates the body’s natural endocrinal mechanism. However, ED drugs have no salubrious impact if the root causes are disease, hormone insufficiencies, structural abnormalities, or nerve conductivity or metabolic problems.

Anatara Medicine ED Treatment

At Anatara Medicine, we do a range of diagnostic procedures to uncover the “issue beneath the issue.” We begin with a comprehensive physical exam and treatment. We draw blood and take samples to perform cutting-edge laboratory tests to evaluate your hormone, cardiac and metabolic status.

At Antara, our goal is to not only return your erectile power, but also make sure you are strong and healthy for years to come!

Reference: Retrieved from – published June 2018


Bremelanotide (PT-141) was developed from the peptide hormone Melanotan II. In initial testing, Melanotan II induced darkening of skin pigment, but additionally caused sexual arousal and spontaneous erections as unexpected side effects in nine out of the ten original male volunteer test subjects. Further testing in animals showed Bremelanotide to induce lordosis (a sexual mating behavior) and subsequently tested for its effect in humans. Although, most of the research has been targeted to women with female sexual dysfunction, it is an effective medication in treating sexual dysfunction in both men (erectile dysfunction or impotence) and women (sexual arousal disorder). Unlike Viagra and other related medications, it does not act upon the vascular system, but directly increases sexual desire via the nervous system.

It is estimated that 43% of women (30 million is the US) suffer from sexual dysfunction and 30 million men suffer from ED, with incidence increasing 2-3-fold between ages 40-70. Bremelanotide currently has no contraindications and is 80% effective in people who don’t respond to Viagra or Cialis.

The Power Shot

The Power Shot

The Power shot is an erectile and penile rejuvenation treatment using PRP. The results are harder erections, improved sensitivity and circulation, and less erectile recovery time. PRP is richly dense in growth factors, which stimulate sensitivity, the formation of local blood vessels and nerves, enhancing performance by naturally increasing nitric oxide. The PRP enhances blood flow and proliferation of vessels within the erectile tissue enhancing sensitivity, size, and enabling adequate firmness for sexual activity.

With PRP, you are using your own blood to help REVERSE erectile dysfunction. We use PRP to activate your own growth factors for healing and rejuvenation. Certified and highly trained medical professionals take your blood samples, separate out your platelet rich plasma, and inject into areas to stimulate growth.

Here’s why you should consider this treatment.

PRP contains growth factors. These growth factors act as messengers in your blood, telling parts of your body, like muscle, skin, and even blood vessels to grow. By injecting a concentrated amount of your own platelets, you trigger growth and increase blood circulation to reverse Erectile Dysfunction by repairing of the tissue. You’re using your own biological elements to re-engineer the negative effects of aging and stimulate the stagnant components of your blood vessels.

Added benefits are also an increase in size, stamina, and libido. This treatment is also being used as a solution for those suffering from Peyronie’s Disease.


Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

What are bioidentical hormones?

Bioidentical hormones are plant derived hormones that are prepared by a compounding pharmacy to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body. They produce the same physiological responses as those of endogenous (made in body) hormones. Most conventional hormones prescribed are synthetic for men, are synthetic hormones commonly used for hormone replacement therapy. These synthetic formulations are different than bioidentical hormones. Since pharmaceutical manufacturers cannot patent a bioidentical structure, they have invented synthetic hormones that are patentable or which are provided in a unique delivery system such as an injectable.

The appeal of bioidentical hormones is that they are identical to endogenous human hormones, so our bodies can metabolize them normally, minimizing side effects. Synthetic hormones are more likely to produce adverse side effects such as weight gain, water retention, mood changes, acne, sweating, and fatigue. In addition, prescription synthetic hormones have little variation in dosage, whereas the compounded bioidentical hormones can be more accurately matched to meet every person’s needs.

Is Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for You?

With exposure to environmental, dietary and chemical toxins, which accelerate the normal decline in natural hormone production as we age, almost all of us over the age of 40 (and often younger) begin to experience signs and symptoms of hormone imbalance. To deal with this growing health concern, one needs comprehensive lab testing and in depth personalized questionnaires to create a personalized treatment plan.

Many factors can contribute to imbalance of hormones:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Adrenal dysfunction and fatigue
  • Thyroid disease
  • Metabolic dysfunction
  • Inflammatory conditions

As a result of hormone imbalance related to these conditions, you may be experiencing one or a combination of what have become known as symptoms of “normal” aging. Yet, hormone levels seen when we were younger are more ideal than the lower ranges seen in aging populations. Do you want your hormone status optimized to the time when you felt great, had the drive and motivation to succeed in all aspects of life, and had energy to burn!? Of course you do, we all do. At Anatara Medicine, you will meet with our Team of outstanding practitioners who will assess your symptoms and provide a tailored treatment plan for you.

Signs and symptoms of hormone imbalances:

  • Weight gain
  • Limited energy
  • Hair loss
  • Low sex drive
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Sleeplessness
  • Poor concentration
  • Memory loss
  • Fatigue

If symptoms like these have begun to affect your quality of life, you could be a candidate for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy.

Consult the Experts at Anatara Medicine in Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

When you become a patient, you receive the dedicated attention of wonderful practitioners. Your questions about your condition, treatment plan, or bioidentical hormone replacement therapy are reviewed and thoroughly addressed during one-on-one consultations with your practitioner. Your practitioner will partner with you throughout every step of your journey to help you achieve optimal health and reach your wellness goals.

Hormone loss and imbalance is easily correctible, for both men and women!

To learn more contact Anatara Medicine today at (888) 453-6825.



Erectile Dysfunction Identification & Treatment

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is more than a sexual organ issue. Erectile performance is multifaceted and involves psychological, neurologic, endocrine and vascular system functions. Effective treatment of erectile dysfunction or erectile hypofunction requires laboratory analysis of a patient’s full-body and hormonal health.

Among the non-sexual risk factors that can influence erectile performance:

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • Smoking
  • Alcoholism
  • Depression
  • Testosterone deficiency
  • Chronic conditions like diabetes
  • Heart conditions like atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, dyslipidemia
  • Neurologic disease, hypertension, chronic inflammation
  • Thyroid disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Anti-hypertensive and psychotropic medications
  • Pelvic radiation, trauma or surgery

Among these factors, age has a high correlation to risk of ED. The Massachusetts Male Aging Study reported a prevalence of 52%. The study demonstrated that ED is increasingly prevalent with age: approximately 40% of men are affected at age 40 and nearly 70% of men are affected at age 70. The prevalence of complete ED increased from 5% at age 40 to 15% at age 70.2 Age was the variable most strongly associated with ED.

How Erectile Dysfunction Works

In a sense, the penis is like a vascular sponge, with muscles along its walls. If the vessels become damaged or occluded, the penis may not fill properly. The neurologic function of erectile tissue operates through the parasympathetic system as it stimulates the smooth muscles; the sacral nerves emanating from the base of the lower back. If the nerves get damaged by contusion, excess pulling or diabetes, then the signals of stimulation or sensation to light touch may become impaired, which would further impair the patient’s ability to become erect.

The endocrine involvement in sexual arousal starts at the hypothalamus. Neuronal signals descend through a complex neural network involving the parasympathetic network down to the parasympathetic nerves of the sacrum and sacral area of the pelvis. There, nitric oxide (NO) is believed to be released, which causes an increase in cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which causes smooth muscle relaxation, enhancement of arterial flow and veno-occlusion, which enables adequate firmness for sexual activity.

Many men use oral ED drugs (e.g., phodphodiestterase-5). However, these drugs serve only as a vasodilator – a chemical messenger to open up the blood vessels while relaxing the muscles to fill the penis. This PDE5 inhibitor action enhances nitric oxide release and thus imitates the body’s natural endocrinal mechanism. However, ED drugs have no salubrious impact if the root causes are disease, hormone insufficiencies, structural abnormalities, or nerve conductivity or metabolic problems.

Anatara Medicine ED Treatment

At Anatara Medicine, we do a range of diagnostic procedures to uncover the “issue beneath the issue.” We begin with a comprehensive physical exam and treatment. We draw blood and take samples to perform cutting-edge laboratory tests to evaluate your hormone, cardiac and metabolic status.

At Antara, our goal is to not only return your erectile power, but also make sure you are strong and healthy for years to come!

Reference: Retrieved from – published June 2018

Peptide PT-141


Bremelanotide (PT-141) was developed from the peptide hormone Melanotan II. In initial testing, Melanotan II induced darkening of skin pigment, but additionally caused sexual arousal and spontaneous erections as unexpected side effects in nine out of the ten original male volunteer test subjects. Further testing in animals showed Bremelanotide to induce lordosis (a sexual mating behavior) and subsequently tested for its effect in humans. Although, most of the research has been targeted to women with female sexual dysfunction, it is an effective medication in treating sexual dysfunction in both men (erectile dysfunction or impotence) and women (sexual arousal disorder). Unlike Viagra and other related medications, it does not act upon the vascular system, but directly increases sexual desire via the nervous system.

It is estimated that 43% of women (30 million is the US) suffer from sexual dysfunction and 30 million men suffer from ED, with incidence increasing 2-3-fold between ages 40-70. Bremelanotide currently has no contraindications and is 80% effective in people who don’t respond to Viagra or Cialis.

Contact Us


Mon: 10am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Tues-Thurs: 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Friday: closed

1700 California Street, Suite 520
San Francisco, CA 94109

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Infographic Aging System Biology

Contact Us


Mon: 10am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Tues-Thurs: 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Friday: closed

1700 California Street, Suite 520
San Francisco, CA 94109

Become a Patient

"*" indicates required fields
